Archive Mode. Call Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 48th Annual Exhibition ended on 1/13/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


WFWS48 Exhibition Schedule Hosted by SWS Dallas Tx 2022-2023. 

Oct 3, 2022 Call for Entries /Prospectus out to delegates

Jan 13, 2023 Entry Deadline to ArtCall

Feb. 3, 2023 Exhibition Juried by Mary Whyte

Feb 17, 2023 Art call results sent to all

Feb. 24, 2023   Delegate Lists, Images, Instructions Sent

 Mar. 3, 2023    Hospitality information sent to delegates

Mar.17, 2023 Accepted paintings due to Local delegates



  1. The artist must be a dues-paid, current member of one of the societies of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies (WFWS) and may enter through only ONE society.

WFWS Members: Arizona Watercolor Association (AWA), Colorado Watercolor Society (CWS), Idaho Watercolor Society (IWS), New Mexico Watercolor Society (NMWS), San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS), Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild (SAWG),        Southwestern Watercolor Society (SWS), Utah Watercolor Society (UWS), Watercolor Society of Oregon (WSO), and        West Texas Watercolor Society (WTWS)

  1. Work must be original and completed within the past two years, on or after 1/1/2021.
  • All work must consist of water media on natural or synthetic paper or paperboard.
  • Water media includes watercolor, acrylic, water based mediums (such as texture mediums), ink, gouache, casein, egg tempera, watercolor pencil and watercolor crayon.
  • Any collage materials used must be painted by the artist with water media.
  • No alcohol inks or water soluble (miscible) oils.
  • No digital art.
  • Original Art
    • No copies of another artist’s work or recognizable use of another’s copyrighted intellectual property will be accepted.
    • No copies of any photos other than those taken by you.
    • No work done in a workshop or under paid or unpaid supervision.
  • Image Size Requirements:  Minimum: 100 square inches; Maximum: 23” x 33”.    
  • Paintings must NOT have been shown in any previous WFWS exhibition, nor in any previous National or International exhibition by other Societies (including any online National or International exhibitions).  
  • Each artist may submit up to three entries, but only one painting per artist will be chosen.
  • All terms and conditions for entry in this exhibition are required. WFWS Exhibition Committee reserves the right to refuse any work for unacceptable quality, improper framing, damage caused by shipment, or for non-compliance of these terms and conditions. Any work, once selected by the juror, later found to be not in compliance with any term or condition, will be disqualified from exhibiting. Any artist who submits work later disqualified or who withdraws work, once selected, may be banned from participation in WFWS exhibitions for a period of up to two exhibition years. The WFWS Exhibition Committee’s determinations and decisions are final.


  1. Online Entry ONLY:
Follow the ArtCall instructions  https://SWSwatercolor/artcall-entry-instructions/
  1. Login to the WFWS Call Site:
  • Create an account
  • Your account will be used by you to set up and follow your entries.
  • Make sure you record your User ID and password for your own reference
  • Pay by credit card or check
  • You pay first.  You may pay for one entry or all three.  If you pay for one, you can always add entries later.  If you pay for two or three, you may enter one, two or three at once or enter one and enter the others later, as long as you enter before the deadline. 
  • Fill Out the required information for your entry, including uploading image.
    • See #12 Image instructions
  1. No Refunds
  • Make sure your painting qualifies before entering online
  1. You may make changes to your entries at any time prior to the deadline date and time.   Your painting information and your image may be altered up to the deadline date and time.  Once the deadline date and time has expired, no changes are possible.  Tip: don’t wait until the last minute to enter or change entries.
  2. All accepted paintings must be for sale and available for the duration of the Exhibition.  The SWS handles all sales and requires a 30% commission on all sales.  (Direct sales through ArtCall may be available.  The 30% commission and taxes will apply.)
  3. No substitutions.  The information and painting you submit must match the juried in entry.  The juror’s or the WFWS Exhibition Committee’s decision is final. 
  4. By entering this Exhibition, you grant SWS and WFWS permission to use your artwork image for WFWS marketing and publicity.
  5. While utmost care will be taken in handling entries and artwork, neither SWS, WFWS nor its representative will be responsible for damage or loss from any cause.By entering this Exhibition, you grant SWS permission to communicate with you by email using Constant Contact and/or ArtCall. 
  6. Size Requirements: Outside mat measurements must be in whole inches and one of the following sizes:
  7. 16 x 20;  20 x 24;  22x22;  22x28;  24 x 30;  24x 36; 30x 40.
  8. Maximum outside mat size: 30 X 40 inches (either horizontally or vertically). 
  9. Minimum mat width: 3.5 inches on all four sides. (Based on the frames SWS will use, this measurement allows for the viewer to see a 3” mat.) Minimum Image Size: 100 square inches
    Maximum Image Size
    : 23 x 33inches
  10. Image Instructions:  Digital image files must conform to the following requirements: Images should be cropped so that only the painting image shows and only that part of the painting that will show when the painting is matted.  No mats, hands, background, edges, etc. should be visible in the entry image.
  • File format: .jpg files (no exceptions).
  • Resolution must be 300 dpi.
  • Submissions must be under 4mb and a maximum of 4600px on the longest side.
  • ArtCall will automatically & permanently resize submissions in 3 separate sizes (regardless of the original size): 100px, 1080px and maximum saved dimension setting (1920 by default.)
Jury Results
  1. You will be notified directly by email on or before February 17, 2023.  You will receive an email indicating the status of each entry.   If you do not receive an email by February 17, 2023, check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL mailboxes.  (This can happen if the sender email address is not in your contacts list.)  Please contact your Society Delegate if you have not received notification.
  2. Your Society Delegate will also be notified of the results by February 17, 2023.

Guidelines for Accepted (Juried In) Entries
  1. All art work must meet the prospectus requirements.
  2. Do not frame your work.  Framing (and plexiglas if applicable) will be done by the Host Society in the standard sizes above.  
  3. All work must be matted in white or off-white; Double matting is acceptable in white or off-white.
  4. Mats must measure a minimum of 3.5” on all sides.
  5. No substitutions for your entry.  The information and painting you submit must match the juried-in-entry.  The juror’s or the WFWS Exhibition Committee’s decision is final. 
  6. No floated paintings.

Traditional Presentation-Plexiglas protection

  1. Back your painting with 3/16th inch foam core the same size as the mat

Alternative Presentation-Varnished painting and mat without Plexiglas

  1. All artwork must be securely attached to the foam core with archival adhesives, or dry mounted.
  2. Varnished works must be free of debris and clear. No lint, hair (human or pet), flakes or dust. No hazy varnish or heavy visible brush strokes.
  3. Mats must also be varnished, including the bevel. No unprotected surface!

  1. No substitutions.  The information and painting you submit must match the juried in entry.  The juror’s or the WFWS Exhibition Committee’s decision is final. 
  2. Back your painting with 3/16th inch foam core. 
  3. Print out your ArtCall submission labels and number.  Attach one painting label to the back upper right of the foam core. Attach the other label to the front lower right of a clear, plastic sleeve/envelope.
  4. Create your artist statement about your work.
  5. Place your painting, your ArtCall number, and your artist statement in the clear, plastic re-sealable sleeve or envelope. Do not permanently seal the sleeve; use blue painter’s tape to close the sleeve.
  6. There is a handling fee requirement.  Members of each society are responsible for expenses required to deliver selected WFWS48 paintings with mat and backing to and from their respective delegates. The handling fee is $50, check payable to your Society.  Submit your check in a separate envelope.
  7. Deliver your juried- in painting, documents, and handling fee check to your Delegate by March 17, 2023.

Reminder:  Do not attempt to coordinate delivery of a selected painting directly to the host society. Matted paintings will be shipped to the WFWS host society as a group from your Society.

             WFWS 2023 Exhibition>

User Entry Process Tutorial